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November 21, 2021
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The Duran: Episode 1886

Russia has put America just where China wants them

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The Duran: Episode 1885

If true this is very scary news! According to Pepe Escobar it is confirmed and reconfirmed.



From a very high level intel source.

In Asia.

NOT Russia-China.

Although the strategic partnership, of course, exchanges at the highest level 24-7.

Confirmed and re-confirmed.

It will be great to know what Sy Hersh hears from his Beltway sources.

Here we go.

Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force.

An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan.

The mission: cause a high-altitude detonation over Iran that would provoke a surge in the high-capacity power lines, crippling Iran's electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.

An EMP attack.


... As the Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force.

Hence the publicised version of the Israeli counter response was such a travesty.

In the end all sides decided not to publicise the real news - to de-escalate what could well turn into WWIII.

It is Pepe's post. I will leave it here. Have no idea how or if it can be corroborated. Not that I dislike Pepés reporting, when I catch it, but this is so serious if true. I mean, It has always been serious, but in terms of escalation if things were as is stated. I'm sorry but I am left without further words. If this is true, bless Russia forever. Not that I ever needed any excuse to appreciate the country, but good Lord..
Not knowing if the "Tweet-X-Post" will open for all, I shall transcribe his short briefing below : ⤵



From a very high level intel source.

In Asia.

NOT Russia-China.

Although the strategic partnership, of course, exchanges at the highest level 24-7.

Confirmed and re-confirmed.

It will be great to know what Sy Hersh hears from his Beltway sources.

Here we go.

Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force.

An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb ...

Rest in peace Bentley. A true American.

No further details on the way he died. 😞 Sputnik Donbass Correspondent Russell Bentley Dies in Donetsk.

Update from another member (Alfred777): "Bentley went to help the wounded of the first tap and they got him with the second tap. A real hero."

September 29, 2023
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