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April 05, 2022
UK blocks UNSC meeting. Germany being blamed for everything. Degas painting has new name. Update 1

UK blocks UNSC meeting. Germany being blamed for everything. Degas painting has new name. Update 1
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Liberal world order must be destroyed – Orban

The values system dominating the West has “brought chaos,” the Hungarian prime minister believes

Western liberal hegemony has failed and must be destroyed, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated on Thursday, suggesting it could end as soon as this year.

Addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC Hungary) in Budapest, Orban criticized the existing “world order based on progressive liberal hegemony,” saying it has spawned numerous figureheads who are “not fit to be leaders,” with even “beauty pageants” knowing more about peace then they do.

He accused liberal politicians of building “hegemonic ideological control to which everyone must submit” instead of actual governing, while turning “state bodies into tools of oppression.” Such forces are a dangerous enemy whose time is coming to an end, Orban claimed.

“The progressive liberals sense the danger, the end of this era also means their end,” ...

Absolutely nothing to do with geopolitics 😂

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What an excellent question! This gent wins internet post of the week.

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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

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