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September 11, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II
The Duran: Episode 1377

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Rus Encircles Ukr Chasov Yar, Ukr Disbands Brigades Mass Surrenders; Israel Pulls Back US/G7 Calls

Rus Encircles Ukr Troops Chasov Yar, Ukr Disbands Brigades Mass Surrenders; Israel Pulls Back US/G7 Calls
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Iran UNSC de-escalation. Biden calls Netanyahu. Bolton wants escalation. Vice Mayor greets Scholz
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Iran and Israel; Pressure to escalate and de-escalate

Iran and Israel; Pressure to escalate and de-escalate
The Duran: Episode 1883

April 14, 2024
Final post on Israel/Iran....

Final post on Israel/Iran and then I am off to record my video update for the day:
👉 "Netanyahu claims success in defeating Iran’s attack." - Israel WIN
👉 "Punishment of Israel completed, no intention to continue – Tehran." - Iran WIN

DON'T mess this one up Biden. Everyone can walk away from this claiming victory.

April 14, 2024
Where we are, Israel/Iran...

Iran side:
Iran is celebrating a successful retaliation. They responded to the attack on their Embassy in Syria.
They showcased their military capabilities. They showcased powerful hypersonic missiles. Iran shows it is a force in the region.
Iran saves face.

Israel side:
CNN: "No reports of injuries directly through Iranian strikes" and "Israel's military says 99% of weapons fired by Iran intercepted" and finally "The US assessment is that Iran’s attacks had been largely unsuccessful."
Israel's Air Defense is strong. US Air Defense is strong (MIC sales $$$).
Israel saves face.

US/Biden WH:
Neocons want Iran war. Biden is a neocon, but a neocon trying to get re-elected. Any other time in his Presidency and Biden would be all in...BUT Jake Sullivan who runs Biden's foreign policy is a campaign guy at heart, and he knows war with Iran would sink Biden's re-election. They opted for a calibrated response/defense, with an off-ramp for all sides.

FT hinted that US and Iran are in back-channel talks ...

September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

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