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September 15, 2022
Bakhmut and goals of the SMO w/Brian Berletic from The New Atlas (Live)
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Ukr Panic, Rus Advance; Syrsky Confirms; US/Ukr Crimea Bridge Attack; Xi Blinken When Will He Leave?

Ukr Panic, Rus Advance; Syrsky Confirms; US/Ukr Plan Crimean Bridge Attack; Xi Blinken "When Will He Leave"?
Topic 1186

Syrsky, fighting Russia is hard. Lithuania hints Crimea bridge attack. Dr. Jill Stein arrested

Syrsky, fighting Russia is hard. Lithuania hints Crimea bridge attack. Dr. Jill Stein arrested
Topic 1313

The Belarusian Umbrella. Special Report Apr. 28, 2024.

Now also on Rumble:

Just for you who wonder. I had this post up twice for 5 hours (During the early morning my time). I was trying to use the Locals scheduling function (where you want a video to appear at a certain time) It looked like it did not work so I uploaded the video again without the scheduling function. Suddenly the video appeared twice (Function does not work as e.g. on YouTube). Anyway I have deleted one of the identical posts. :).

Long term Ukraine financing plan as outline by Reuters, "Ukraine’s $61 bln lifeline is not enough."

1. $61B is enough to get Ukraine to Nov. 2024 election. "the latest U.S. package...should see Kyiv through to about the end of next year."
2. Ukraine needs a medium-term funding plan, "Ukraine could run out of weapons again in late 2025."
3. Multi-year funding plan benefits: Insurance against US political swings, boost Ukraine morale, give MIC confidence, change Putin's calculations, and freeze conflict like N/S Korea.
4. Ukraine will need at least 88B Euros every year.
5. Capitalising interest payments of $320B with a bond backed by future interest rates and paying the proceeds to Ukraine "might raise 30 to 40B will not be a game changer because it will fund Ukraine for less than half a year."
6. Main way to get money to Ukraine is $320B in Russian assets, "That would finance the war until at least the end of 2028."

👉Here is the important part:
7. $320B as a Syndicated Reparation Loan, "Ukraine would pledge its claim for reparations against Russia to a syndicate of its ...

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April 27, 2024
LOCALS POLL: What will be the outcome of Blinken's ultimatum to China?

What will be the outcome of Blinken's ultimatum to China?

Jill Stein was arrested together with students.
This video is after she was charged with crime she didn’t commit.

Very good. Now she knows how police and judiciary operates in this country.

She is one of us.
I like this . And I think it’s the most clever campaign strategy. Just be with us .
It will not cost money and will gain our trust

Good luck Nill Stein, you got my vote!

September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

You can access Telegram for web, desktop or mobile here:

The link for this Telegram group is below (can be viewed by community subscribers).

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