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Alex Christoforou did a fine vid a while back featuring the top Russian security official (and fmr president) Dmitry Medvedev, who was claiming that it was NATO, not Russia, which had illegally used nukes on people in the recent past. I wrote a friend and patriot, Major William Fox, US Marine Corps, and a Harvard graduate, about this claim by Mededev. He wrote me back as follows (edited):

Both the U.S. and Israel have made massive use of tactical nuclear weapons in the past several decades and in addition have also been reckless about releasing radiation from other sources into the environment:

The U.S. made massive use of DU in Persian Gulf War I in 1991, the U.S. started using depleted uranium weapons in Iraq, as noted in the Doug Rokke archive at DU weapons act like “dirty nuke” bombs in the way they spread radiative particles around the environment Some DU particles were found in the air as far away as England.

`Up to 15 tons of depleted uranium used in 1999 Serbia bombing’ – lead lawyer in suit against NATO’


Fallout of Serbia Bombing 'Continues to Kill' "Nebojsa Srbljak,

a physician from the Kosovan town Mitrovica, which still has a large Serb population, has spoken of a tenfold rise in leukemia cases. "Leukemia among children in Kosovo was at the rate of one per thousand before 1999," he told media representatives. "Since 1999, it rose to 1 percent."

In 2001 during 9-11, there is overwhelming evidence that the U.S. Deep State and Israel used tactical nuclear weapons to bring down the World Trade Center Towers. I first addressed the use of nukes in Chapter 7 of my "Mission of Conscience" series Since then, Dr. James Fetzer and Veterans Today have come out much more detailed information about the use of nukes, for example, see for example America Nuked On 9/11 at

During the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, the U.S. made massive use of DU. See Doug Rokke archive:

In Chapter 2 of my "Mission of Conscience" series at, I quote Captain Eric May (ret. US Army) in his interview on the Hal Turner show about how the Bush Administration used a neutron weapon to neutralize the Republican Guard defenders of the Baghdad Airport. The following is an extract from this chapter.

…General Saifeddin Fulayh Hassan Taha al-Rawi, who commanded Iraqi forces at Baghdad Airport , confirmed that Bush used a neutron bomb in his 9 April 2007 Al Jazeera interview 6 on the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad . He said that it incinerated about 2,000 elite Republican Guard troops but left buildings intact.

The al-Rawi interview

Interestingly enough, shortly after this interview David Hambling, author of “Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World,” wrote that the U.S. has another weapon called the AGM-114N, which is a “thermobaric device” that uses chemicals such as powdered aluminum to achieve a similar effect as a neutron weapon. These kinds of weapons were also used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
However, there is considerable evidence that the Bush administration went nuclear-all-the-way with an actual neutron bomb. May commented in Sunday Magazine “The Battle of Baghdad & the Unreported Neutron Bomb:”
If one looks into international data, there are reportings of enhanced radiation of some livestock, and of human metabolic effects – death and disease. It explains why, after the Battle of Baghdad, we got fragmentary stories of things like truckloads of dirt being moved out and moved in. It made no particular sense at the time, until one puts it into perspective, as a decontamination operation. Again, that part of the Battle of Baghdad, the fact that we went nuclear, explains a lot of things that came out afterwards and also explains why it is that it had to be covered up. You can’t go to a country to try to make sure that nobody tries to start a war with WMDs against you and the go and WMD ’em yourself! It’s a highly embarrassing position to be in.
Baghdad laid bare that USA really wasn’t going into a limited war at all; it was going into a world war, and was prepared to use nukes. Incidentally, since the nuking of Baghdad Airport , the Bush Administration retrofitted our military doctrine to allow for the use of tactical nukes in that sort of situation.
From a strictly tactical point of view, using a neutron warhead killed the Iraqis who were in the open, while giving U.S. forces, who were inside armor, a chance at survival.
Had I been one of the American commanders on the battlefield at Baghdad Airport, one would have preferred the neutron option to being overrun and destroyed by the Iraqi forces.
But war is never simply tactical. As Clausewitz, the Prussian military philosopher, puts it, “War is a continuation of politics by other means.” It’s on the political level that the nuking of Baghdad Airport was a disastrous decision.
Unlike the nuking of Japan , which was admitted to the American people, the nuking of Baghdad was kept from them, meaning that we had decided to keep them in the dark about the conduct of the war. Further, the Arab world knows very well what we did in Baghdad, and that only added to their hatred for the United States. So the big picture of the Baghdad Airport neutron bomb is that we saved ourselves from limited military failure, but thereby caused ourselves unlimited domestic and foreign disaster.
It’s one of history’s great ironies that the Bush Administration was screaming that WMDs would be used on us in the Iraq war, and then when all is said and done, WMDs were used — not on us, but by us.
Blog sites such as support the neutron bomb story. They include accounts of topsoil being extracted from the Baghdad airport, major portions of the airport being placed off-limits and under guard, cancer symptoms associated with airport workers, and a strong electromagnetic pulse that jolted electrical utilities during the battle…
During an interview with Alex Jones, Col Donn de Grand Pré said that Israel fired missiles with nuclear weapons at Iraqi targets. See
DGP: Well, I break it down in the time frame that we had satellite images of rounds or missiles being fired from the Negev desert toward Baghdad. That's 600 miles distance. And six or eight of the rounds came in. That was February of 1991.
AJ: Are you saying that the Israelis used miniaturized nuclear weapons?
DGP: Yes sir. That's what I'm saying, in plain English.
AJ: Well I remember, I know they bragged that they had a lot of really sophisticated miniaturized nuclear weapons, of the little mini-frogs, or whatever. But and I know there were these giant mushroom clouds on the news. They'd say, "Oh, that's not a nuke. That's just a weapons depot." But you are saying that it is common knowledge at the Pentagon that Israel was firing nuclear weapons at Iraq?
DGP: That is correct.
AJ: Oh, so that's where all this high-level radiation is emanating from?
DGP: That is correct. And I have verification of that. I think it's in book 2. And I think it will stand up in most scrutiny.
Chapter 17 of my Mission of Conscience series at provides evidence by Wayne Madsen, Joe Vialls, and others that the 2002 Bali bombing was the result of a Mossad tactical nuke. Now let us look at Joe Viall’s version of what really happened. Vialls maintained in his 21 Oct 2002 report that the first Bali bombing involved an Israeli-manufactured micro-nuke.
It was precisely 11.30 p.m. on Saturday 12 October 2002, when someone somewhere pressed a button that sent a single coded radio-squirt to an underground aerial located in a monsoon drain outside the Sari Club in Bali . An unseen circuit closed and a primer fired, then one-millionth of a single second later, a terrible fireball formed under the street. Less than six inches in diameter and burning at a staggering 300,000 degrees centigrade, the fireball was a perfect shimmering sphere, made possible by 99.78% Plutonium 239 manufactured at the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev Desert .
Five microseconds passed while this fission monster from hell expanded, then the already-cooling fireball tore its angry way out into the street above, vaporizing all victims standing within thirty feet while simultaneously spreading two tons of deadly microscopic roadbed shrapnel in a lethal arc across Kuta Beach . Every survivor standing in direct line-of-sight of its awesome ultraviolet emission received terrible flash burns, the like of which three eminent Australian burns surgeons would later claim on TV they “had never seen before”.
Less than ten-millionths of a second after the monster achieved critical mass, its searing thermal wave set fire to twenty-seven buildings in the immediate area, and spontaneously ignited automobiles parked two blocks away from ground zero. But as you will read later in this report, no ordinary Geiger counter from any nation could detect radiation from the weapon.
This atrocity was the “punishment” meted out to Australians and others opposed to the Judeo-Christian Crusade against Islam. Ordinary everyday people, Australians in particular, who had earlier been sensible enough and brave enough to speak out against their Prime Minister’s slavish obedience to Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush in their ruthless quest to loot and destroy the Middle East. But the fission monster from hell was also designed to send a very clear and unmistakable message to like-minded dissidents in Britain : “Jump on the Mideastcrusade bandwagon quickly, or our Dimona thought-reform folk will pay you a visit.”
Political and paid “academic experts” were quickly thrust in front of television cameras to explain the inexplicable. How and why the bombing happened in the first place, and increasingly as harsh reality kicked in and facts became clearer, why dozens of full-size human victims had vanished completely without trace.
Every bomb expert in the world knows that conventional explosives lack the heat and velocity to “vanish” complete bodies in this manner, except perhaps when crushed into total oblivion by a million tons of masonry as happened at the World Trade Center . When the dust from the biggest IRA bomb ever detonated in Northern Ireland finally cleared, the victims were still in the local area. Many were disassembled into large bloody body parts, but they were still generally recognizable.
When a diminutive member of Hamas recently detonated thirty pounds of TNT strapped tightly around his own chest in Palestine , emergency services still had to remove large recognizable chunks of his dismembered body from the area. Believe me people, believe me, conventional explosive cannot “vanish” citizens without trace, and Bali simply did not have a million tons of masonry available to fall on their heads. Only a critical nuclear weapon has the heat needed for instant cremation, combined with the incredibly fast shock wave needed to completely remove the resulting cremated particles from the local area.
Next big problem for the politicians and “experts” was the large crater in the street outside the Sari Club. Five feet deep and twenty-two feet in diameter, the crater served as proof that the weapon was detonated underground rather than on the surface. The only way any explosive can cause a crater is if it is first dropped from an aircraft and penetrates sub-surface before exploding, or if it is physically positioned sub-surface in advance. The thousand-pound Omagh bomb detonated in Northern Ireland by the IRA during 1998 did not cause a crater, nor has any nuclear weapon ever detonated above-ground regardless of TNT equivalence yield. ( I later used this insight to address the 2011 Oslo bombing)
The interview titled "The Real Deal, Dr. James Fetzer Interview with Dr. Chris Busby and Leuren Moret `Fukushima Radiation and Uranium Weapon Update' Friday, 28 October 2011 at discussed the use by the U.S. of tactical nukes in the assault on Fallujah, Iraq and the use of DU weapons by Israel against Gaza and also in its 2006 invasion of southern Lebanon touched upon in Chapter 21 at,_william_b/Fox_works/Fox_books/Mission_of_Conscience/B-2/MC-21_2006_Mumbai_Bombing;_Israeli-Lebanon_War,_Operation_Orient_Queen.html
In Part IV of my Oslo-Utoya series I provide a picture of the bomb crater created in a concrete parking deck floor left by the bomb that went off in Oslo in 2011, and explain the likelihood that this hole was created by a tactical nuke, planted by likely suspects among Mossad-CIA-MI6 who likely sought to punish Norway for pulling out of the NATO campaign against Libya.
Many sources believe Israel set off a thermonuclear explosion over the Port of Beirut on August 4, 2020; see for example and
In addition to deliberately setting off nuclear devices, Israel has also been accused of nuclear recklessness on many levels, whether it has involved bombing the Iraq nuclear facility (see for example article at ), trying to achieve the destruction of Iranian nuclear facilities, or evidence the Mossad caused the Fukushima meltdowns in 2011. On my Fukushima catastrophe web page at I provide some supporting evidence, such as the following:
2011-10-04 Fukushima as Fabricated Terror, by Nick Kollerstrom, published by Fester on Tue, 2011-10-04 09:22,
Nick Kollerstrom – Terror on the Tube September 5, 2011
Here is Ian Crane’s take on the Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion – which has more or less destroyed Japan as an industrial nation. It surely behooves all of us to try and grapple with this issue. Was it an Israeli false-flag attack?
Was it yet another manifestation of the Mossad motto, "By way of deception shall you wage war?" Let’s recall that in London on July 7th an Israeli security firm, Verint Systems, had been installed on the London Underground, just as on 9/11 Israeli security firms were operating at the relevant airports in Boston and New York.....

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A quick commentary on the "Piss Summit"
I might not be able to upload much more or do lives for a while

My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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