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October 17, 2022
Germany says it knows who sabotaged Nord Stream, but...

Germany says it knows who sabotaged Nord Stream, but...
The Duran: Episode 1409

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Holding on to the empire w/ Brian Berletic (Live)

Russians are pissed. Should be noted that while Israel doesn’t advertise it, Mossad and IDF have been giving arms to the Banderite lunatics in Kiev regime. I don’t think they’ll go as far as to cut off diplomatic relations like a lot of countries in global south have since October 7th. But it seems the relationship is gonna be much closer to what it was like during the Soviet Union.

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5 Iranians dead, 20 injured in the aftermath of Israeli attack on Esfahan.... Due to excessive Laughing!

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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

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