The Russian Federation have just awarded two senior tank commanders the Hero of Russia medal.
I don't believe we have seen this to date. It makes sense now, though, as the battles start moving on to open plains that are the heartland of Russia's tank divisions.
I can't work out when or where these heroic actions occurred, but my bet is that it was recent and that these 2 are hardened First Guards Tank commanders. Perhaps someone can inspect their sleve chevrons and medals to work it out.
Duranites will recall the BS being spread around by FakeNews about the First Guards Tank Army. According to western propaganda, it has been completely destroyed twice (!) - in March and then again, in early September. Much like Putin, I guess, who seems to have been close to death for months, except when he is not.
Anyway, I doubt that the 1st Guards were even deployed in or near Ukraine until mid September, earliest. The Russians hold their best units back until the conditions best suit their deployment. Believe me, we will all know when this elite tank army enters the conflict in force : they're feared, and rightly so.