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Confirmed reports of a major AFU ammunition depot struck/ destroyed Pavlograd

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Special Report May 8, 2024.

Now also on Rumble:

Putin stays. Zelensky goes?

Putin stays. Zelensky goes?
The Duran: Episode 1903

Elensky gift to Putin foiled. Xi, China stands with Serbia. Russia blocks Rumble. Germany bans Z&V

Elensky gift to Putin foiled. Xi, China stands with Serbia. Russia blocks Rumble. Germany bans Z&V
Topic 1323

Elections and the war machine w/ Daniel McAdams

Yehhh. Ukraine has its own version of turtle tanks now. I saw one during a drive today heading towards Kharkiv.
I caught it on dashcam but best not post. I suspect it will be pictured soon enough in flames. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

A lot of military traffic on the road to Kharkiv.

And in other news, no power in Dnipro yesterday from 5 am till 4 pm, then stabilised. Serious number of air alerts and explosions throughout the day.
Smoke from Liman fires is making its way towards us.

Zelensky is a clown. Ukraine's euro vision entrant is a fuggly hippo, Usyk and Dtek are going to hold an exhibition fight to raise money for rebuilding electrical grid, which will be free to all Ukrainians, who don't have electricity or internet to watch it..... and Pedo Joe is about to be replaced by Big Mike.

Join Alexander Mercouris Live Stream Today 8th May at 14:00 EST, 19:00 London time

This has been one of the most momentous weeks of the Ukraine conflict so far, with a fierce Russian démarche to the UK and French governments, backed by the implicit threat of nuclear weapons use, which has stunned and shocked both governments and the entirety of the Collective West.

Notice the total radio silence about the whole affair in the West, especially in the UK. The Russians have threatened the British with missile strikes against Britain's own national territory unless the British change their behaviour whilst conducting nuclear weapons drills, and the British public are being told nothing about it. Extraordinary!

Much else also to talk about including Putin's inauguration, Xi's Europe trip, the unravelling of the case against Trump, the local elections in Britain, etc.

September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

You can access Telegram for web, desktop or mobile here:

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