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September 09, 2023

Wow, I think this is not just important, I think it will be of high significance, on many levels - including (though it may be too cynical to think it) the reason Australian officials are finally waking up

I just hope and pray whatever happens, that puts an end to the abhorrent extradition and this horrible rebound imprisonment, occurs on time and that Julian Assange is taken back to his family safe and sound and in health. It does seem though that it's a very major development, at least to me I shall copy paste the words of the tweet for those that per chance can't see Twitter for any reason, or prefer it that way. There is also a short video but I am unable to transport it here. It is, however, in the tweeted post #FreeAssange #Assange. I'll add two screenshots as well
Consortium News
@ Consortiumnews
Update from #Assange's Ecuadorian lawyer
@ AitorxMartinez
on the legality of his arrest & expulsion from the London embassy. In May 2023 Carlos Poveda, his other lawyer in Ecuador, told
@ Consortiumnews
"British police personnel entered absolutely without authorization. I want to emphasize that Assange is still Ecuadorian. That is another case we have in Ecuador. They wanted to annul the nationality and so far we are defending it, defending him, who is still Ecuadorian. His nationality has not been withdrawn."

In 2019 the ombudsman of Ecuador declared the expulsion of Julian Assange from the London embassy illegal and as a "de facto extradition" from Ecuador to the UK, primarily in breach of Article 79 of Ecuador's Constitution which excludes the possibility of extraditing any Ecuadorian citizen. There is a due process that must be followed to terminate citizenship, and opportunity for appeal, which Assange was never given.

The person whose citizenship is going to be taken off them - and very often it's to do with not filling in documents correctly, not giving the correct information, fraud - Julian has not been challenged on any of these grounds. It was an immediate decision, but it would appear that these laws have been broken:

The right to nationality, Article 6. The right to asylum, Article 41. The principle of non refoulement (not handing back asylees to those who threaten their lives), Article 66 and Article 14. All guarantees of due process have been limited, Article 77 in particular, provided for in the Constitution of the Republic, the Human Mobility Law and in international human rights instruments.
Aitor Martínez
@ AitorxMartinez
7 Sep
The court that judges the suspension of Julian Assange's Ecuadorian citizenship on the day he was handed over to the UK has communicated the 3 judges did not reach an agreement. Clearly the Constitution prevented @ Lenin to hand over an Ecuadorian citizen @ wikileaks @ DefendAssange
FROM : Consortium News's Tweeted Post
10:53 am · 8 Sep 2023

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My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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September 29, 2023
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