The Duran
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The Duran is a news-media platform that advances a realpolitik position The Duran is not right, left or center. It is a media site that focuses on a pragmatic analysis of stories in the news.
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January 25, 2024

This is how the soldiers treat the elderly in the west bank and its a daily event .

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South Korea political crisis deepens

South Korea political crisis deepens
The Duran: Episode 2104

Angry PUTIN: No Gas Transit Ukraine, Kiev Without Gas; EU Gas Crisis; Kiev Troops Flee Kurakhovo

Angry PUTIN: No Gas Transit Ukraine, Kiev Without Gas; EU Gas Crisis; Kiev Troops Flee Kurakhovo
Topic 1413

December 29, 2024
SALOME has left the building. Biden's two BIG regrets. Musk Welt AfD post, German elite MELTDOWN

SALOME has left the building. Biden's two BIG regrets. Musk Welt AfD post, German elite MELTDOWN
Topic 1555

Clown World of the Year 2024

We are getting close to the Clown World of the Year Awards 2024. This year we will have the 'Locals People's Choice Awards.'

Vote for your top pick for Clown of the Year 2024.

The government of Slovakia has moved to withdraw COVID vaccines from the market and ban mRNA technology following the release of a long-anticipated official government report into the pandemic response.

The official government report, based on extensive research and investigation, concluded that the pandemic was “an act of bioterrorism” and a “fabricated operation.”

on Substack:

A few words on those who are in reality anti everyone but themselves -

"Years ago Shakespeare was accused by the Israel Lobby of being anti-semitic. Shakespeare lived during 1564 and 1616. The term anti-semite did not exist and there was no Israel Lobby. This did not prevent Shakespeare from being labeled an anti-semite in the 20th century and removed from high school and university literature courses. Consequently, the most remarkable use of the English language has been denied to students who have been deprived of understanding portions of their own language because of Jewish objections to Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s literature, of course, is not a literature of anti-semitism. But here and there he says a few things about Jews that everyone then believed and many today still do. In literature the same thing happens to every ethnicity, but it is only Jews who complain ".

June 17, 2024
post photo preview
A quick commentary on the "Piss Summit"
I might not be able to upload much more or do lives for a while

My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

You can access Telegram for web, desktop or mobile here:

The link for this Telegram group is below (can be viewed by community subscribers).

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