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Rishi Sunak and the rest of the junta, while pretending to extend their sympathies to the families of the 3 British aid workers killed by the Israelis in cold blood, authorized the sales of more weapons to the genocide state immediately afterwards. Are these to replace the armaments used to kill the workers? Are there no depths to which this evil government won't sink?

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Russia updates wanted list. ICC Elensky curse. FT; Kremlin targets Europe, Nord Stream silence
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US follows France out of Africa
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Can someone explain this to me?

The most active lobbyists of the Kiev regime in the West are descendants of the Hitler regime. To wit:
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk's grandfather was a proud Nazi. As was the grandfather of the head of the German Foreign Ministry Annalena Berbock.

Grandfather of the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis personally participated in the genocide of Jews and the creation of concentration camps on Lithuanian territory. Now his descendant is lobbying for the supply of weapons to Zelensky's militants bombing "wrong Ukrainians" on the East of the country. .

A descendant of the members of the UPA* and concurrently the Attorney General of Wales Mick Antoniv is the "organizer" of the recognition of the fraudulent concept of "Holodomor" in the region.

And in the United States, Kiev's interests are promoted by the "Ukrainian Congressional Committee of America". There's also the American Coalition for Ukraine which lobbies for transfer of the frozen ...

10 hours ago

I am trying to get my head around the complete disconnect in the usa re Israel. Can anyone help me? Why is criticising the actions of Israeli Zionists somehow anti semetic? Why can't you criticise the actions of a sub section of a community, without being declared a racist or engaging in hate speach? It's fucking unreal. How does standing up for Palestinians, despite condemning hamas actions on Oct 7th, somehow make you antisemetic, despite Palestinians being more Semite that Zionists?
Why am I finding myself siding with the squad, including Aoc and her band of deplorables? It's really confusing. The West is living in a completely parallel universe

Ukraine, circling the drain?

September 29, 2023
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