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So I just heard on an interview with George Galloway that Chris Hedges has been circumcised again! Supposedly over this interview with Dennis Kucinich. Who quite frankly is the only serious person in American Political life currently. He like Hedges refuses to give up on the hope that ideas matter. They are astonishing in their endurance and resilience and implacability. (I personally think the interview that got Hedges back in the crosshairs is the one I will post next. That and his refusal to be silenced on the issue of Palestine.) Serious people work with serious people. Bread and Circuses only lead to more “Clown Shows”.

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Topic 1332

Telegraph UK:


Of course it wasn't undisputed, as it was a split decision, but congrats to Usyk, great fight, and I won money.

But, it could not have come at a worse time for Ukraine. In the day the new mobilisation laws took effect, Usyk, who is the perfect candidate for mobilisation goes out and fights, but not in the army.

The exceptionalism will not be lost on Ukrainians who will use this as a rallying cry I think. Of course Usyk should not be forced to fight, no one should, but how many men have been forced to fight and given up their futures, many their lives for a war they do not want. How many scientists who could have cured cancer, or any number of other issues in the world have died at the hand of usa warmongering???

What makes Usyks life any more important than any number of my friends who have been forced to fight, 10 of whom are now dead or severely wounded??


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In Kharkov, evacuation is NOT optional.. Evacuate and abandon your house to the looters, or wind up in the basement of the SBU as a "Collaborator"

What a wonderful country! The Democracy and Freedom just gets better and better! Thank you USA and EU!

September 29, 2023
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