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The Kazakh Foreign Ministry called out David Cameron for disinformation.

In the conversation with pranksters Vovan and Lexus Cameron claimed that his Kazakh counterpart Murat Nurtleu allegedly said that Ukrainians were “dying for Kazakhstan” and “risking their lives to contain Russia.”

However, the head of the ministry, Murat Nurtleu, said that it never happened.

“There was no such conversation with Cameron. The British minister bears full responsibility for disinformation"

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Globalists ditch Macron, resignation possible

Globalists ditch Macron, resignation possible
The Duran: Episode 1944

Biden debate debacle, DEMs panic. EU-Ukraine security deal. Orban confronts Elensky. Toxic Macron

Biden debate debacle, DEMs panic. EU-Ukraine security deal. Orban confronts Elensky. Toxic Macron
Topic 1373

Rus Will Bring Down NATO Drones, Rus NATO Air Clash Looms; Ukr Troops Disobey Orders, Rus In Toretsk

Rus Will Bring Down NATO Drones, Rus NATO Air Clash Looms; Ukr Troops Disobey Attack Orders, Rus Inside Toretsk
Topic 1244

Bolivia failed coup. Kenya Ruto retreats. NATO wants to give Elensky something. Meloni upset with EU

An international lawyer John Whitbeck:
“The primary reasons why virtually all members of the US Congress prioritize the desires of the Israeli government over the interests of the American people are money and fear — and particularly the fear of all the money that Israel-Firsters will devote to ending your political career, most notably through primary elections, if you manifest anything less than unconditional support and/or abject subservience to Israel.”

Congressional candidates are routinely and openly approached by AIPAC representatives who ask in advance their views on Israel. If they are cooperative, sometimes requiring a written statement of intent, they are given a pass and can count on financial support and favorable media. If they are not, they are marked for removal.

In the current round of primaries just concluded, AIPAC-Pac has boasted that it has achieved 100% success as “an AIPAC-endorsed candidate has won in every district (224 races) where an endorsee was ...

Quite a bit of commotion in the Portuguese segment of social networks due to rumors on the eve of the publication of data on a further increase in excess mortality in the first half of this year.

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June 17, 2024
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A quick commentary on the "Piss Summit"
I might not be able to upload much more or do lives for a while

My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

You can access Telegram for web, desktop or mobile here:

The link for this Telegram group is below (can be viewed by community subscribers).

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