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July 04, 2024

Dnipro Thursday mid morning, 4 July

Happy independence day to all those silly Americans who think they are either free or independent. It's a bit ironic that the usa is being wrecked on the shores of Ukraine, following a declaration of independence by eastern Ukrainians who were attacked by their oppressors in Kiev, were disenfranchised and yet were being forced to pay taxes and accept an undemocratic, illegitimate govt hoist upon them by a country across the sea That story seems to echo somewhere in USA history.

Now, a very sorry rump of what was once considered the greatest power on earth, whose arse was handed them by a bunch of flip flop soldiers in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen, led by a dementia riddled fool whose brain functions no better than his bowels, but loves showering naked with his 16 year old daughter and her friends.

A country where a select few only can afford housing, where upwards of 25 percent of the population live on the streets, or in homes with wheels....

I guess I would be considered an elite by people who don't understand the concept, as having money most certainly does not make someone elite, but as I was on my run this morning a thought crossed my mind.

The sole purpose of a govt is security for its people. It's function is to ensure food security, financial security, military security and energy security.
People in my view don't really care how this is achieved, through democracy, socialism, communism, or monarchy. The problem for all societies becomes evident when the above security is no longer provided. It's what leads to revolutions, peaceful and violent.

The Kiev cabal in ukraine has failed in all of the areas of security Ukrainians expect, and deserve. What will follow will be a revolution, no later than 29 August I am told by other 'elite' people I know in Ukraine, but whose elitism stems from political largesse, not having earned lots of money for doing something well.

But, as I reflect now, and as every American who is intending on downing a dozen hotdogs, 27 percent more expensive that last year, washed down by root beer, smaller than last year's, and no doubt more expensive, wondering how they will make this month's mortgage payment and car payment, whilst pissing away 15 billion usd a month in Ukraine, I wonder when those same people will realise they have been couped, and are now no more important to those coup leaders than sudoko is to pedo Joe.

In Dnipro we are at best on 10 hours a day elecricity, in 3 cycles of load shedding, most days this week have averaged 2-3 hours on, 6-7 hours off. Three friends who own big companies here in Dnipro have told me this last week they see shutting their doors, mothballing equipment with a skeleton crew, and firing all others. I guess about 1500 staff on total.

I haven't spoken to anyone in weeks who supports zelensky, or who thinks Ukraine can win the war. Even people who months ago felt Russia was at fault now accept Russia was both provoked and justified.

Again, I love Ukraine, much like you love the little bitsa mongrel dog that somehow gets past your 2 huge asiat guard dogs and cowers outside the terrace door wanting food. Just like that bitsa mongrel, I have adopted it as our own, and will do what I can to nurture and look after it, and hope it grows stronger and it's life improves. I detest those who have abandoned this dog, and who have left the dog in the state it is in, with no future, a miserable existence and fully dependent on those who will remain and pick up the pieces when it's done.

So as you stuff your faces with offal, and other inedible animal parts made into sausage, and swill back on your root beer or mountain dew, don't be surprised if some of us would prefer you all dropped dead of a heart attack, and the brave amongst us would help bring it on

Absolute offense is meant here to any American, Australian, Canadian or citizen of Europe or any other country that has destroyed Ukraine with your inaction. I get sick of being asked when Ukrainians will finally rise up and put an end to this madness, asked by people who live in a country whose leader is an incestuous paedophile with total dementia, whose congress allows that man to now be led around by his crack whore fraudster of a son and who came into power in the most obviously compromised election in the history of the world. That country where no one knows who is making decisions, who has trampled on your freedoms, and killed millions of innocent civilians in wars it wages for profit.
How dare a single American ever ask when Ukrainians will finally rise up, when you have all bent over, spread your cheeks and happy to be fucked over again and again by the most corrupt political organisation in modern history, and whose only concern is whether that person isn't his opponent....

Don't shed tears for Ukraine, it will survive, and it will be triumphant overthrowing those who sought to illegally take over the country, and it's resources. Those enemies are not to our east, they are on our western borders, but Ukraine has one thing the West will never have, a culture of survival, and of looking after each other.

Да благословит Бог Украину, дай Бог нам мир и уничтожь наших врагов, где бы они ни были. Россия нам не враг, Запад нам не друг.

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The Duran: Episode 1950


Matthew 5:9
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

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Shared by a friend.

This is Frank and he has had a coffee stand at the top of the steps at Bethnal Green tube for as long as I can remember.

When the new restaurant/coffee shop next door opened along with another high street outlet opening across the street, Frank suddenly found that his license from the council had been revoked and he was chucked off his stand.

I believe it was to make way for these new shops to take his regular custom. They didn’t need him in the way of gaining maximum profit... so Frank was gone.

Well the locals were having none of it and a petition started demanding his return.

How dare they do this to him.
How dare these people smash his business and leave him with nothing.

After a lot of pressure the council backed down and Frank had his licence and pitch returned to him but sadly by that time Frank had sold his equipment to feed his family and try to survive.

So the good people of Bethnal Green started crowdfunding and here’s the result... Frank back...

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3 hours ago

*BTW, why do we always hear about Russian interference in elections in the Collective West..? The EU politicians openly discuss who should be the candidate to run for US President and whom they (don't) support. And that is no threat to democracy. I just don't get it... 🤷🏼‍♀️

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June 17, 2024
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A quick commentary on the "Piss Summit"
I might not be able to upload much more or do lives for a while

My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

You can access Telegram for web, desktop or mobile here:

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