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Dnipro, Sunday evening, 20 October

Just returned from a 4 day European trip, and thought I would drop a quick update. I do drives into Europe now every few weeks to help relocate people leaving, and to bring in some supplies for a couple humanitarian groups I work with.

Huge numbers of transports coming into Ukraine bringing equipment and supplies, many under police escorts now. I was surprised, you would think supplies are reducing, but this was the busiest I have seen it. Many ambulances driving west and returning, again more than normal.

Less convoys of rotating or returning soldiers, again noticeably less.

Every village has many more flags in cemetery, one in particular, Haisyn, which has a population of around 25000 had hundreds upon hundreds of banners and flags along the main street each one being one fallen soldier. It was mind numbing, and the most I have ever seen. Only the regional villages do this, and it's only for the dead from their region.

There are 6 additional block posts now between Dnipro and the border the way I drive, making a total of 17, all manned by both police and TCC officers, checking every car, and bus, searching some even.
Ukraine is now the worlds largest prison.

I had an issue with a tyre so as it's nearly winter I arrange for 4 new winter tyres to be delivered to a town I stop at on the return where we are building a mountain winter home, and had my building manager arrange a slot to fit them and rebalance them. The tyres came in from Lviv overnight, so arrived on the day I did, and when I went to the fitments centre to have them fitted, they could not do so as just that morning both of their fitters had been picked up by the TCC. He rang around and arranged it at another centre, but told me he would now have to close his business as he had no fitters, and no way of employing any as men were either mobilised, or staying at home. This is so fucked up.

It dropped to minus 5 degrees (Celsius for those from the great unwashed horde who use Fahrenheit, I have no idea of the conversion, you could all just join the 21st century, and use what the civilised world use), so winter is fast approaching.

Power in Dnipro and most of the country has stabilised at the moment, and there have been no real attacks on the energy infrastructure now for about a month. Daily missile and rocket attacks into the city and region mean the conflict remains in everyone's mind. When alarms are raised, banks, many shops, govt offices etc close, and won't open until the alarm finishes. Some can be 4-5 hours long, others 30 minutes. My accountant spent 3 days trying to lodge returns and pay taxes this week, a task that would normally be finalised in a morning.

I was surprised in Europe, I fueled up in Austria, and Shell VPower was euro 2.40 per litre. That's twice the price as in Ukraine, so sucks to be European.

Long drives like this one give me an opportunity to catch up on The Duran podcasts etc, which are always good to pass the time, but driving fast on bad roads dodging military convoys means I rarely get a chance to post my comments.

So I thought I would do some dot points here for anyone who is interested in my 2 cents worth.

On the subject of zelensky, he is a fucking cowardly piece of shit who must hang for his crimes against Ukrainians, and Russians. If anyone needs a hangman, I have both hands up, and a lot of rope on my yacht.

On the subject of Ukraine building a nuclear bomb in 2 weeks, absolutely, I am told it is already done. But, it's a dirty bomb, not a full nuclear bomb. To produce an advanced nuclear warhead Ukraine would need to be able to enrich uranium U235 to around 90 percent, which requires advances centrifuges, we do not have them, and could not do without IAEA knowledge. U 233 can be produced from Thorium 232, the process is advanced, but Thorium would have to be supplied to Ukraine. I expect both of these are out of the question, and the dirty bombs are what will be used. The silence in Western media about this is mind blowing, and shows just how controlled the msm is. Zelensky is a desperate man who will destroy the world to avoid accountability.

On Israel and its genocidal mania, I say put up or shut up. For my entire life war in the middle east has been coming, frankly the Israel experiment failed 30 years ago and is a ticking time bomb, bring it on. It will lead to Israel's destruction, and the west's complete demise. So Netanyahu needs to stop talking, stop his genocidal rage and bring about a final solution. You throw the dice, you can't decide how they fall.
Why is the world not screaming at the ICC, where are the arrest warrants. How much more must Palestinians suffer before the axis of evil, the UK/USA and Israel, with the complicity and weapons from Europe before the head of the snake is removed, and that head sits on Netanyahoo's shoulders, not in Tehran.

In all honesty, the answer to the current wars in Ukraine and the middle east are easily solved, and detente returned. China, Iran, DPRK, Russia and Venezuela should all sign mutal defence pacts, and agree to come to each other's aid militarily if any member state is attacked. It would scare the shit out of the West and mean they have a price to pay the piper if they attack an ally.

Lastly, I was surprised that Alex's clown world of the eternity was not Bidens trip to Germany and his award from Scholz..... What the actual fuck......

I am at the end of my first year of contract with a volunteer organisation who do evacs, mostly from Kharkiv area, and have been asked to join one which operates out of Zaporoshnye and I will start with them this next coming week. I see a lot of comments on the Duran, and also on YouTube where people equate Ukrainians with the Kiev cabal. I am an Australian, and have travelled the world for 40 years building a company. In no country have i found the people of a country were represented truthfully by their political leaders. Ukrainians do not want, and did not want this conflict. The vast majority of Ukrainians wanted nothing to do with the violent overthrow of Yanukovich in 2014, they voted for him, and they were not happy about his removal. Protests ensued in every city, and Poroshenko sent the army to attack those protesting, and those regions were immediately disenfranchised and have not been able to vote in any election since. Even still, zelensky ran on a platform with only 1 promise, to end the war in Eastern Ukraine no matter what it took. 74 percent of Ukrainians in central, southern and western Ukraine who were allowed to vote elected him solely on that promise. Ukrainians overwhelming never wanted this war, and don't want to be in a war with Russia. The people do not deserve the comments made about them by people who support Russia in this conflict. I support Ukraine, and it's people who I stand with, and stand against the desovereigntisation of Ukraine. However, I know the enemy of Ukraine, and it's people is not to our east, they are in the west, and in power in Kiev. Many, many Ukrainians realise this, more every day, and to those people who ask why they aren't rising up and doing anything about it, they are. A better question for you to ask is why the people in your own countries aren't rising up to stop your own governments for the genocidal proxy wars they are waging in Ukraine, and Gaza.

I do not mean to sound preachy, I myself sat through the Baltic conflict, Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and did nothing, but if you want to criticise or vilify someone, they live in Bankova Street, Kiev, and in Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, in Downing Street in the UK, and yes, in Adelaide Ave in Canberra.

By the way, why have Australia sat in 49 m1 abrams tanks that aren't even in service for 2.5 years and agreeing to send them only now...... Yet another truly clown world moment.

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The Duran: Episode 2043

No Video From Alexander Mercouris Today 20th October 2024

As you know, I hate letting a day pass without a video from me.

However I have been taken badly ill with a nasty virus infection, which has been spreading through my family over the past week. I was the last to succumb over the course of last night. Today I have been struggling with a high fever and other symptoms, and I am afraid I am too ill and tired to do a programme today.

My apologies to everyone, with my thanks for your continued support!

These things have a habit of burning themselves out fast, so hopefully I will be back tomorrow.

😡 Despicable

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#Meme Funday #201024
May the smile stay with you!
Have a good week!

June 17, 2024
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A quick commentary on the "Piss Summit"
I might not be able to upload much more or do lives for a while

My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

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