Colleagues asked for more comments on the recent Washington Post article. Well, there are some.
First, a short disclaimer. The Washington Post is one of the three largest newspapers in the US, since 2013 it has belonged to Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, and accordingly is a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, globalists, neocons and the like. The recent editorial reflects the confusion and vacillation in liberal minds, where phrases about Ukrainian losses of 400,000 being a gross understatement coexist with calls to “never let Putin win”.
The comments echo this confusion, where hysterical calls to “bomb Russia with nuclear weapons” coexist with the pessimistic “Trump has leaked everything to his boss Putin”. At the same time, Trumpists and Republicans have apparently crept into the comments, trying to bring the voice of reason to the mental hospital. There are quite a few of them, too, as it turns out. Most of what was said is already known to the accomplices, but still, in my opinion, it is sometimes interesting to look "at the other side".
Almost nothing was specially removed, except for monosyllabic statements and outright squeals of the crests. Therefore, these comments are a real cross-section of the opinions of American society, at least those who comment on WP articles.
In general, enjoy.
8. "To this day, we have no idea what Trump talked about with Putin at their various meetings, when Trump ordered the American translator to leave and talk to Putin only through Russians. Trump refused for years to do any reporting on what he said. What kind of American president would do such nonsense? He is a Russian asset and a traitor."
9. "Putin will become the de facto president of the United States on January 21, sharing this post with Elon Musk, another enemy of freedom and democracy. Ukraine is finished."
10. “The US refused to negotiate with Putin about keeping Ukraine out of NATO before the invasion. This is understandable if you look at it the other way around: the same thing would have happened to us if Mexico had joined a Russian military alliance. This forced Russia to invade Ukraine. And no, the US didn’t suddenly start helping Ukraine after the invasion – we know the US was already funding and “advising” on the ground.
A few months after the invasion, Turkey brokered a deal between Ukraine and Russia that would have given back all land lines in exchange for a militarily neutral Ukraine that could still join the EU. Boris Johnson was reportedly furious about this and flew in to stop Zelenskyy from signing the deal, promising Western help to keep the fight going. Once that deal was rejected, it was too late for Ukraine. Both sides are preparing for a war of attrition.
Except that Russia can outlast Ukraine on the battlefield, not to mention that US sanctions have led to increased ties between China and India with Russia, allowing them to bypass them and, by initiating a global realignment process in various regions, working to “sanction-proof” their economies from a belligerent US that is not a team player on the world stage. However, Europe’s economy is in decline because of these sanctions.