Americans Leaving Europe?
"I'd like to see that!"
Alexander says the whole purpose of the current American policy exercise is to REDUCE American commitments to Europe. He's wrong. That's not what the Americans including Trump are saying. What they have said, ad nauseam, is that America wants to end the war, and that the America is not going to finance the defense of Europe. The Europeans, they say, must raise their defense spending to 5% of GDP. Of course this 5% would be mostly spent in the US on US weapons; having the highly desirable benefit of improving the balance of trade of America with Europe, one of this administrations key policy objectives. Trump, not the American elites want to end the war. The elites would be happy to keep it going to the last Ukrainian. To think that the election of Trump suddenly changes the mind of the foreign policy component of the elites who own and run America is a delusional.
The US has NOT said it will close its bases in Europe or Kosovo, withdraw its offensive intermediate range missiles from Poland or Romania or any other downgrade of its European presence. I suspect it will try to station some in Finland and or Sweden, if it thinks it can get away with it. When I see America handing back its European bases to the Europeans and withdrawing its military and their contractors will I believe that the US wants to reduce its commitment to Europe. I won't be holding my breath.
The whole American approach is a con job, a grift, being used to con the Russians into stopping the war and to get the Europeans to pay for America's bases in Europe by buying more American Weapons. Where else will the Europeans get them?