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Across the collective West unrest is growing. Hundreds of thousand in cities of many nations out in protest over the weekend, all with a different axe to grind but discontent being the universal message. Yet the MSM heehaws barely covered any of them. Spin no longer works so ignore it and hope it goes away seems to be the adopted way. What is clear is the unifying angst is not just towards politicians, who are viewed more and more as the impotent vassals of real power, unrest is directed to institutions that are failing because they are rudderless and corrupted. The whole edifice of control built up by a mafia of globalists is crumbling.
There is though one nation whose population appears to be lying down in submission and that is in Britain. I wonder where the backbone of the nation has gone, the descendants of the peasants revolt, the Jarrow marches, the poll tax protests, what has happened to the spirit of the British working class? Is it broken, have they given up and given in? I applaud those who have come out in support of Palestine, it is a good and just cause but why has protest against the suffering of their own been taken over by those brandishing hate inwards? It is the oldest trick in the book, divide to conquer. The state actors working in the shadows to orchestrate violence in order to ‘justify’ yet more Orwellian controls that contains and closes down real and meaningful protest.
The Sunday headlines in the UK are yet more cuts on the home front with a further six billion to be cut from welfare, not where the spending has grown out of control (the real cost of illegal immigration hidden in social security), the axe will fall again on the sick and the elderly. It is cuts dictated in the same week when they announce yet more billions to Ukraine. British people are being forced to pay for war games that regardless of the rhetoric out of No 10 has zero to do with them. They are not at risk by a manufactured adversary but from the policy makers behind the narrative. The Starmer government are not reacting to geopolitical events, they are using power gifted to them on a platform of lies for their own agenda. An agenda that is difficult not to surmise is a last ditch effort to breathe life into the dying globalist agenda and equally hard to dismiss the establishments role in the whole project as conspiracy.
What will it take before the British stand up and be heard as a unified group?, To enable their warmongering agenda the blob keeps coming for their money, do they have to come next for their children, to enlist them as fodder in a bloody fools game before they cry out?
As a Glaswegian would say ‘the games a bogey’, don’t let them fool you otherwise.

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Rooting for Ukraine is like rooting for NAZI Germany in the late 1930s.

Popular resistance against HTS is spreading across Syria.

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June 17, 2024
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A quick commentary on the "Piss Summit"
I might not be able to upload much more or do lives for a while

My Fellow Duranianss.

Yes, it's happened again. I have been assaulted by a vicious Malware Bot Virus or whatever 911 Socks is and this thing is bad ! 

However I wanted to give you a "peace" of my mind concerning the "Piece" or piss, as Elensky calls it, as this thing fell to pieces before it even happened.

Coincidentally on the very SAME DAY  this crap happened Saudi Arabia DROPPED the US Petrodollar as a buying currency and NO ONE absolutely NO ONE is talking about this fact anywhere !!!


Hope to see you all asap.


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September 29, 2023
Locals Community Private Telegram Messaging

Locals will be sunsetting the private messaging feature throughout the Locals website. In order to keep our private messaging active we have created a private Telegram messaging group called 'The Duran Locals.'

This is a private channel open only to our Locals subscriber community. In the private Telegram group you can send a message to the group or a private message to Alex or Alexander via a direct Telegram message. 

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