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April 09, 2022
UK's Truss wants more weapons. Cyprus press exposes Elensky. Maduro weighs-in on conflict. Update 3

UK's Truss wants more weapons. Cyprus press exposes Elensky. Maduro weighs-in on conflict. Update 3
Topic 484

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Rest in peace Bentley. A true American.

No further details on the way he died. 😞 Sputnik Donbass Correspondent Russell Bentley Dies in Donetsk.

Update from another member (Alfred777): "Bentley went to help the wounded of the first tap and they got him with the second tap. A real hero."

55 seconds ago

Even Russell Bentley's death has not been confirmed by 'official' sources yet — the whole situation is very strange, and shady. All we know for sure at the moment is that 'Texas' rushed to the scene of Ukrainian terror shelling in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, after which he disappeared. According to his wife, he got into an altercation with soldiers, who took him away. No information about the context of this altercation or the time and circumstances of his death are known. I asked my guys in Donetsk, and no one knows anything, either. The only somewhat coherent theory I have heard so far is that call sign 'Texas' was filming the aftermath of the Ukrainian artillery attack, which was interpreted as 'suspicious' activity by soldiers and led to a conflict, and subsequent arrest. While pure speculation, it is possible — retard soldiers, on edge, not knowing who he was, only seeing a foreigner filming stuff in the immediate aftermath of an attack. Whether it was a tragic ...

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